This online course is designed to make you reflect further on your current practice. It will give an overview of diversity and brain friendly classrooms. This course will focus on some of the challenges learners with specific needs face in the classroom and how brain friendly teaching strategies can make a difference to their learning, focus, and emotion regulation.

Diversity in classrooms has been part of the educational system for decades and the interventions to address the spread of learning styles and needs have varied. Brain research has provided teachers with a better understanding of how students with a range of needs learn, and what is essential for instructional practice in the curriculum.

This online course will broaden your understanding about students who have attention issues, distractibility, emotion dysregulation and the brain regions that are responsible for learning and behaviour. Through specially selected media, you will hear from educators and specialists in the field about the importance of brain friendly classrooms, and you will learn about specific strategies that are drawn from the brain research. 

This online course will allow you to:

  • Understand that a belonging classroom is inclusive, embraces diversity and is brain-friendly.
  • Recognise the importance of teacher behaviour as a brain-based strategy.
  • Create a responsive classroom that is underpinned by brain research.

Course approach: Self paced.

Course length: Approximately 90 minutes.


This online course is suitable for professionals working in Catholic, Government and Independent Primary or Secondary schools:

  • Early years educators
  • Classroom teachers
  • Specialist teachers
  • Education Support Officers
  • Pre-service, Graduates and Relief teachers. 

What you need for this online course:

  • Access to a laptop/notebook or desktop device with internet connectivity and headphones.
  • Relevant resources from downloadable links provided.

Meet your Presenter ...

Dr. Anna Bortoli is a Special Education and Autism Consultant. Currently she is a Consultant for a State Specialist School, sessional Lecturer and an independent Consultant. As an independent Consultant she provides professional learning and in-situ training with teachers about strategies and approaches for students and young children with Autism and ADHD. Her work relates to the areas of Structured Teaching, Executive Skills for Learning, Curriculum and IEPs. She delivers tertiary training and Masterclasses in ASD and ADHD. She is TEACCH® Advanced Consultant Level and has received training through Division TEACCH® in North Carolina, enabling her to coach teachers in the implementation of the TEACCH® framework using the Structured Teaching approach. Anna is committed to the professional growth of practitioners in the field of special education.